

These days, it's not difficult to get a Gen Xer to wax nostalgically about their '80s upbringing. In fact, Generation X (those born roughly between 1965 and 1980) enjoyed quite a different adolescence than those generations that followed. With no social media, much less the Internet, Gen X childhoods were often marked by a lack of parental oversight and a freedom to roam wildly. The childhoods of Generation Z (those born roughly between 1995 and 2010), on the other hand, were known for helicopter parenting and heavy online use.

For this (part analysis/part memoir) comparative essay, you will contrast your own Gen Z upbringing with that of a typical Gen Xer. You should draw the evidence of a Gen X adolescence from the readings in the eReader. The Gen Z portion, however,  should come from your own upbringing.* Remember to ground your comparative essay in a solid thesis.

*Note: Obviously, Covid-19 unexpectedly upended all Gen Z’s childhoods. While you are free to mention the pandemic, for the benefit of an apples-to-apples comparison, your primary focus should be on your pre-Covid childhood.


  • MLA Style (including works cited)
  • Approx. 500-750 words

Due: Thu 9.19 - Thu 9.26 (submitted via Canvas) 
