Multimedia Presentations, Sec. 96 (Updated)

This semester, you will be responsible for a multimedia presentation based upon an '80s-related topic.

Presentations must:

  • Run at least 10 minutes—you may utilize any presentation program you like (e.g. PowerPoint, Slides)
  • Be 10-12 slides in length, excluding cover slide and works cited—introduction and conclusion slides are mandatory; presentations without an introduction and/or conclusion cannot receive full points
  • Include at least one multimedia clip—no longer than 2 minutes in length
  • Include an MLA Style works cited slide—not to be presented
  • Include a one-page handout—to be distributed to the class the day before your presentation via Canvas*
  • Be submitted to Canvas no later than the day of your presentation

*In addition to summarizing the salient points of your presentation, your handout should also echo its style and tone.


  • To present on Zoom, you will be made a co-host. Be sure to select "Share Sound" before sharing your screen.
  • Not required, but presenting with your camera on can significantly improve class engagement


  1. Ready Player One: When Atari Ruled the World
  2. We Dressed the ‘80s: Donna Karen, Calvin Klein, and Giorgio Armani
  3. They’re Here: All About '80s Horror Films
  4. Halloween Fears: How Myths and Urban Legends Changed Halloween in the ‘80s
  5. I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy: The Assassination of John Lennon
  6. You Did What?: Parenting in the ‘80s
  7. Parental Advisory: The PMRC and the Fight Against Music Censorship
  8. Fire in the Sky: The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
  9. Who Were Latchkey Kids?
  10. Happy Meals: McDonald’s in the ‘80s
  11. The Gender Bender: How Boy George Changed the Conversation on Gender
  12. Meet Me at the Mall: On 1980s Mall Culture
  13. Let’s Dance: Flashdance, Footloose, and Dirty Dancing
  14. The First First Ladies of Hip Hop: Salt-N-Pepa, MC Lyte, and Queen Latifah
  15. Urban Legends of the '80s
  16. ‘Cause This is Thriller: When Michael Jackson Ruled the World
  17. 7.1: Revisiting the Loma Prieta Earthquake
  18. The More You Know: PSAs of the ‘80s
  19. We Dressed Teens in the ‘80s: Benetton, Esprit, and Le Tigre
  20. MTV: The Early Years
  21. The Giants of '80s Sports: Mary Lou Retton, Joe Montana, and Michael Jordan
  22. Jodi Foster and the Man Who Shot a President
  23. Food Court Fare: What Americans Ate at the Mall
  24. Satanic Panic: How America Lost Its Mind Over the Devil
  25. When The Cosby Show Ruled TV
  26. Feed the World: The Story of Live Aid
  27. An ‘80s Weekend Tradition: Saturday Morning Cartoons
  28. Donald Trump in the Eighties
  29. Was 1984 the Greatest Year of Pop Culture Ever?
  30. What Happened at Chernobyl?
  31. Be Good: When E.T. Ruled the Box Office
  32. Send Money Now: The Televangelist Scandals of the '80s
  33. The Cold War: Eighties Edition
  34. Classic Cars of the Eighties
  35. Team USA and the "Miracle on Ice"
  36. The Legacy of Adam Walsh
  37. When Andrew Lloyd Webber Ruled Broadway
  38. '80s Fads: Rubik’s Cubes, Cabbage Patch Dolls, and Jazzercise
  39. Women Rock: Heart, The Go-Go’s, and Pat Benatar
  40. Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams: Inside Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 

Week 7: Tue 10.3/Thu 10.5
  • Andrew V - Donald Trump in the Eighties
Week 8: Tue 10.10/Thu 10.12
  • Zahra A - Was 1984 the Greatest Year of Pop Culture Ever?
  • Hazel N - An ‘80s Weekend Tradition: Saturday Morning Cartoons
Week 10: Tue 10.24/Thu 10.26
  • Andrew B - Ready Player One: When Atari Ruled the World
  • Angela F - Happy Meals: McDonald’s in the ‘80s
Week 11: 10.31/Thu 11.2
  • Nathan L - 7.1: Revisiting the Loma Prieta Earthquake
  • Caiya S - Halloween Fears: How Myths and Urban
  • Alondra A- 12. Meet Me at the Mall: On 1980s Mall Culture
Week 12: Tue 11.7/Thu 11.9
  • Neiman Concepcion - The Giants of '80s Sports: Mary Lou Retton, Joe Montana, and Michael Jordan
  • Nathan Z. - Fire in the Sky: The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
  • Kai T - Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams: Inside Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Week 13: Tue 11.14/Thu 11.16

  • Andrew K - Ready Player One: When Atari Ruled the World
  • Cody V - Classic Cars of the Eighties
  • Chloe L - What Happened at Chernobyl?

Week 15: Tue 11.28/Thu 11.30

  • Kimberly P - Women Rock: Heart, The Go-Go’s, and Pat Benatar
  • Gustavo L - Food Court Fare: What Americans Ate at the Mall

Week 16: Tue 12.5

  • Noelia I - 38. '80s Fads: Rubik’s Cubes, Cabbage Patch Dolls, and Jazzercise
  • Rosalia B - 16. ‘Cause This is Thriller: When Michael Jackson Ruled the World
